Whipped Brown Butter Is About to Take Your Breakfast Up a Notch

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If you're looking for a decadent treat for a Valentine's Day date night, or perhaps you'd like to indulge yourself or a group of friends at your next dinner party, you may want to try the latest TikTok craze that has people whipped into a frenzy.


TikToker @margie_nomura recently shared their recipe for whipped brown butter that is perfect for spreading copiously onto toasted bread — and it's amazingly simple to make.

Video of the Day


In the video, @margie_nomura begins by heating the butter in a pan until it is melted and golden brown. For best results, you should use a cooking thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature.

The water content of the butter will cause the liquid to boil until it evaporates off. Continue to stir gently until it becomes a deep caramel color. During this time, watch the temperature hit around 140 degrees Fahrenheit, as allowing it to get any hotter can quickly turn browned butter into burnt butter.

From there, take the butter off the heat and immediately place the liquified butter into a metal bowl inside an ice bath. While the browned butter is chilling in the bowl, the creator begins to whisk it. After some time, the butter will begin to get thicker and lighter in color. Now, it's ready to be spread all over your bread of choice.


Naturally, people in the comments had thoughts and modifications. "I made this, added a bit of a vanilla bean paste, [and] served it with warm baguettes. Brown butter is underrated," one commenter said.

TikTok's #buttertok truly never disappoints.



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