Natalie Miles: Our Homes Mirror Our Energy

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Image Credit: Natalie Miles

Being Home With Hunker is a podcast where each week we chat with designers, artists, and creatives in the spaces that express and shape their identities: their homes.

"They get really detailed and specific on people's houses, because our houses are a mirror of our own energy and have that sanctuary energy that we need to honor," says Natalie Miles about tuning in with Spirit Guides. "So, it's always really fascinating on what comes through on a design element or where people should put certain furniture, they share stuff about people's kitchens… yeah, it's wild."


On the Being Home With Hunker podcast we have Natalie Miles, a channeler, psychic medium, author, and podcast host of The Doorway.

Video of the Day


As a channeler, Natalie connects with Spirit Guides — or whatever label you relate to, such as the Universe, Higher Power, Source, and so forth. She connects to the collective energy and shares whatever messages want to be shared for us as individuals or as a collective.


In this conversation, Natalie shares how she believes that everyone is intuitive and that we're all receiving intuitive guidance every day. This is what her work is all about: helping people tap into their intuition.

She talks about how she's moved her homes when she's received intuitive hits from her Spirit Guides — and how she's used a paper map and pendulum to help find aligned places to live.


Natalie also says she can tune into people's homes — she gets shown the spirit of the energy in a home. She can also tune into the land and see how or why it needs to be cleared or attended to. She even gets messages about where people should place furniture, decor, or plants (so be very considerate about where you move them because it turns out that our plants have opinions!). And if you're someone who likes to buy thrifted or second-hand furniture, you should be energy clearing those pieces before you bring them into your space.


We also talk about how we're in an eclipse season right now and what that means. Think: big changes, transformations, and expect the unexpected. She says that between now and 2026/2027, it's a powerful reset time, for our planet and for ourselves.

In this episode we also talk about:


  • How Natalie first discovered her psychic gifts and started working with them.
  • The importance of music and song lyrics in her life — and how much music can shift and clear our energy.
  • How nature is a game-changer for her — it grounds her, gives her guidance, and signs, and clears her energy.
  • The "nature table" her mom set up (like an alter) in her childhood home — and how Natalie now has the same in her space.
  • Why we should all have plants in our space — and which ones are good for creating protection energy.
  • How our intuition can tell us where our plants should go in our homes.
  • The first thing people can do when learning how to tap into their intuition.
  • Why some people need to give their house a clearing because of the energy and ancestors who don't want it to change hands.
  • The importance of clearing the energy of our homes and any thrifted or used items we bring into our homes.
  • How our pets find us and can sense energy in the home — and they come to her in readings (and ask things like, "Why did they move my bed?!")



Learn More About Natalie Miles

If you want to learn more, read more, discover more about Natalie Miles, visit any of these places:


Being Home With Hunkeris a new podcast where we explore the idea of "home" – not just as a place where you live, but as an expression of your identity. Each week we talk with designers, creatives, and artists about who they are, how they create meaningful spaces, and what "being home" means to them.

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