You've Probably Been Packing Your Sleeping Bag All Wrong

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If you're an avid camper, you've probably packed your fair share of sleeping bags. But how do you usually do it? If you're like most folks, you likely roll up the sleeping bag, then try (with some frustration) to stuff it into a pouch.


As it turns out, there's a much easier way to get the job done. According to @melissadilkespateras on TikTok, all you need to do is stuff the sleeping bag into the pouch ... no folding or rolling needed.

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"The bag you're trying to put your sleeping bag in is called a stuff sack," explains the content creator. "The reason it's called that is because the manufacturers want you stuff it inside there."

The TikToker then scrunches the bottom of the sleeping bag so that all of the air escapes. Next, they place it in the sack and simply stuff the bag inside. That's all there is to it.

Otherwise, when you fold and roll the sleeping bag, it creates a crease. This negatively affects the item's R-value, or its ability to insulate. It also traps in more air, making it bigger and difficult to pack.


Considering so many people fold and roll their sleeping bags, it's no surprise that many TikToker were pretty darn shocked. "What?!! Are you kidding me? This just changed my life!" commented one user. "Where were you during my backpacking years?" joked another person.

Well, with camping season on the way, you can be sure we'll be using this method.


Other sleeping bag tips:

In the comments section, users who knew about this technique offered additional tips. According to one person, it's best to "stuff it for the camping trip only." So, when you're at home, store the sleeping bag unstuffed (i.e., out of the bag.) This will "preserve maximum loft," they note. Good to know.

