How to Prep Your Home for Spring: From Garden to Garage, What You Need to Do

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Image Credit: Ana Stanciu

Spring has sprung! Translation: You're gonna lose an hour of sleep in the morning, and your to-do list just got really long. Here's a quick refresher of what needs to happen now that the sun is finally out.


In the Garden

Video of the Day

Set the stage for the blooms to come.

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Sanford Creative
  • Bring potted plants back outside
  • Prep the vegetable garden, if you have one
  • Backfill any low-lying areas in the yard with extra soil
  • Trim back any broken limbs
  • Aerate your lawn, and reseed bare spots

Around the house

See what damage winter hath wrought.

Image Credit: Paul Anderson
  • Clear out the rain gutters
  • Spray down the siding on your house
  • Wash exterior windows — or better yet, hire someone
  • Spray down window screens, and repair any that have broken
  • Inspect your foundation — now is the time to fix cracks, clear vents and check for mold
  • Inspect any concrete slabs around the house, reseal if necessary
  • Inspect — and fix — your roof
  • Spray down decks and patios
  • Check all the outside faucets
  • Have the air conditioning unit serviced
  • Replace your doormats


Inside the house

This is elite, marathon-level purging and cleaning. You ready?

  • Deep clean your carpet and rugs. When in doubt, hire someone
  • Ditto: cloth furniture
  • Deep clean the fridge. Yes, take everything out. Purge anything that's expired.
  • Defrost your freezer, if necessary
  • Deep clean your window treatments. Yes, the window treatments!
  • Blinds get a wipe-down. Drapes can be laundered. Shades can be spot cleaned.
  • Wash interior windows
  • Scrub the walls, including the baseboards
  • Replace your filters, all of them — air filters, water filters, dryer filters
  • Test and replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Deep clean your pantry
  • Deep clean the oven and microwave
  • Deep clean the dishwasher. Think: vinegar
  • Clean the washing machine
  • Soak shower heads and removable faucet fixtures to get rid of limescale
  • Move and clean behind all of your appliances
  • Reseal grout
  • Wipe down indoor plants
  • Flip and clean your mattress
  • Launder your pillows and duvet
  • Swap winter linens for lighter-weight options
  • Make a list of any house repairs — then tackle it, one by one
  • Purge, purge, purge, purge, purge
  • Sell or donate any winter clothes that went unworn
  • Give your drawers the Marie Kondo treatment
  • Get rid of old beauty samples, expired medicine and anything else clogging up your medicine cabinet
  • As you prep for taxes, purge your files
  • While you're at it, purge your old digital files and back up anything important
  • Swap out dark or drab accessories for something shiny and new



Your tools need a little love as well.

Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

