How to Clean a Lambswool Duster

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A lambswool duster lets you clean not only large items such as window blinds, but also small trinkets like statues and candles. But like other cleaning tools, a lambswool duster needs cleaning itself to remove caked-on dust, dirt and grime. An unclean lambswool duster only makes items messier. Clean your lambswool duster regularly, especially if your home or business is prone to large amounts of airborne dirt and dust.


General Cleaning

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Step 1

Fill a sink with warm water and 2 tbsp. dish-washing soap.

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Step 2

Dip the lambswool duster repeatedly in the soapy water to break up and remove dust and dirt.


Step 3

Drain the sink. Rinse the lambswool duster with cold water. Wring the duster gently with your hands.

Step 4

Pour 1 tbsp. glycerin on the duster. Work the glycerin into the lambswool duster's fibers to restore any oils washed away. Glycerin is available at drug, retail, hardware and home improvement stores, as well as online.


Step 5

Place the duster on a large towel to air dry. Once dry, spin the lambswool duster with your hands to restore the item to its original shape and fullness.

Removing Heavy Buildup

Step 1

Vacuum the lambswool duster gently with your vacuum cleaner's brush attachment.


Step 2

Fill a sink with cold water and 1 cup mild laundry detergent geared toward washing delicate clothing.

Step 3

Place the lambswool duster into the water and let it sit for five minutes to break up and remove any grime buildup. Move the duster around in the water for one minute. Drain the sink.


Step 4

Rinse the lambswool duster with cold water. Wring water from the duster gently. If grime is still present on your lambswool duster, repeat steps 2 through 4.

Step 5

Pour 1 tbsp. glycerine on the duster. Work it into the duster's fibers to restore oils washed from the duster.


Step 6

Place the duster on a large towel to air dry. Once dry, spin the lambswool duster with your hands to restore the item to its original shape and fullness.

