How to Fix Etched Granite

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Granite countertops are particularly prone to etching.

Esteemed for its solid strength and unmistakable beauty, granite never goes out of style. Granite is not, however, invulnerable to damage. Although it is resistant to etching, acids and other corrosive agents may etch its surface. Acidic foods such as lemons or tomato sauce can discolor a granite counter top and mar its beauty. While severe damage may require professional repair, homeowners can fix most mildly etched granite surfaces themselves.


Step 1

Clean the etched granite thoroughly before repairing it. Pour two drops of stone soap into a tub containing 1 gallon of water, and blend thoroughly. Wet a rag in the solution and wipe the granite using the soapy rag to remove all grime and residue.

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Step 2

Dampen another rag in water, then use it to wipe away the soapy residue from the granite surface. Use a fresh towel to thoroughly dry the etched granite surface.


Step 3

Sprinkle 1 ounce of granite polishing powder onto the etched granite surface, then pour 1 ounce of water onto the polishing powder.

Step 4

Attach a felt buffing pad to a variable-speed electric drill, following the drill manufacturer's directions. With the drill set to a low speed, glide the buffing pad in a circular motion over the paste-coated granite until the etch marks disappear. Keep the granite coated with the powdery paste as you buff it.


Step 5

Wipe the powdery paste residue from the polishing powder off the granite using a clean rag.

Step 6

Apply 1 tbsp. stone polishing compound to the surface in order to remove any lingering marks and to restore the granite's shine. The polishing compound -- usually supplied as a paste -- is a finer-grit material than the polishing powder. Use the buffing pad at low speed until the polishing compound residue dissolves.

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