Major Storms Are Set to Hit the U.S. This Week. Here Are 3 Things to Do Now to Protect Your Home

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If you live in the United States, there's a good chance that you'll be affected by severe weather in the next few days. Before it hits, jump into action to prepare your home and prevent potentially costly damage from flooding, high winds, and freezing temperatures.


The National Weather Service (NWS) expects heavy rain and possible flooding in California today and tomorrow. Meanwhile, snow and high winds are expected in the Northeast, and low temperatures could cause widespread freezes across the Southeast.

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If you're in one of these areas, it's time to prepare. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, these are the top three things you should do to protect your home from storm damage:


  1. Review your insurance plans to see what's covered. Your regular homeowner's insurance plan likely covers damage to your home from wind, but not flooding. If flooding risk is high where you live, look into purchasing flood insurance to protect your home.
  2. Clean up your yard and/or patio, removing debris (tree branches, toys, garbage) that could come catapulting towards your house during high wind events. Tie down large items, like trampolines and swing sets, and bring potted plants and patio furniture indoors.
  3. Seal holes and cracks on your basement walls, around windows and doors, and near utility pipes and wires. Apply a waterproof sealant or caulk to prevent water from getting inside during heavy rain.

While you're waiting out the storm (and patiently waiting for spring weather to arrive), check out our other storm damage resources:

