How to Remove Stains on Rubber Without Bleach

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You can find rubber all over your house, and in many cases, since it endures a lot of handling, you will also find that the rubber has yellowed thanks to wear, skin oils and general heavy use. While many people recommend removing stains from rubber with bleach, this can create a problem because bleach will wear out rubber over time and cause it to become brittle. Fortunately there are plenty of other options to remove stains from rubber that do not involve bleach.


Step 1

Wipe down the rubber surface. Use a clean rag and spray cleaner. This will remove much of the dirt and grime, making the stains easier to spot and attack without creating a bigger mess in the process.


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Step 2

Make a cleaning paste. Use 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/8 cup of water. Slowly add the water to the soda until you have a thick, spreadable paste.


Step 3

Cover the stains with the baking soda solution. Use a thick layer. Leave the baking soda in place for about 15 minutes.


Step 4

Scrub the baking soda away using a toothbrush to target stubborn stains. If the stains are still not gone, try bleach-free toothpaste using the same method of application as the soda solution.


Step 5

Rinse the cleaned surface using water, then follow with vinegar. If the stains are lighter but not completely gone, repeat the cleaning process.

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