How to Get Wrinkles Out of Jeans Without Ironing

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Though jeans are the perfect casual apparel, even they don't look so great if they're too wrinkled. When you don't have an iron on hand or if you simply don't want to iron the jeans, you can use your clothes dryer, the steam from your shower, or even your hair dryer to de-wrinkle that denim.


The Dryer De-Wrinkling Method

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The dryer offers an easy de-wrinkling solution for jeans covered in wrinkles, and if you have more than one such pair, it's easy to remove wrinkles from all of them at the same time. Put the jeans in the dryer with a damp, clean hand towel on a high-heat setting. Check the jeans after five minutes or so and remove them if the wrinkles are gone. If not, put them back in for another five minutes, optionally adding a little more water to the hand towel.


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Don't worry — the jeans won't shrink because they're not soaking wet, and they won't be in the dryer for very long. Hang up the jeans or fold them neatly if you're not planning to wear them right away.

Steam Those Jeans

A hand-held clothing steamer easily works wrinkles out of all types of clothing, but if you don't have one, the steam from a hot shower can also be effective. Shower steam doesn't always remove all the wrinkles, but the jeans should look a little better than they did before the steam. This method is best if you're already planning to take a shower so you won't be wasting water.


Hang the jeans as close to the shower as possible or even in the shower on the curtain rod at the end farthest from the showerhead. Take a hot shower with the vent off and the bathroom door and window closed to keep the steam in the room. After your shower, leave the jeans in the room with the door closed. They may be a little damp afterward, so this method is best if you aren't planning to wear the jeans right away.


Use a Hotel-Worthy Quick Steam

For jeans wrinkled in only an area or two, a hair dryer comes in handy. This method is another one to try if you're in a hotel or if you're in a hurry. Splash water on the wrinkled area of the jeans. Heat the damp area with a hair dryer set to the highest heat option, holding it a few inches away. This is sometimes easier to manage if you hang the jeans first, or drape them from the towel bar, rather than holding them in one hand and the hair dryer in another.


The hair dryer steams the jeans as the water evaporates from the heat. If the jeans still look wrinkled, repeat the process with just a little more water. The goal is to apply enough moisture to make steam and de-wrinkle the denim without soaking it through to the other side.

