This Gardening Hack Will Save Your Knees

If you're like us, you're dreaming of summertime meals made with freshly picked produce straight from the backyard. To achieve that dream, you'll need to do a little prep first. Now is the perfect time to start planting seeds to have a lush garden overflowing with tasty fruits and veggies all summer long.


But planting a garden is easier said than done, especially if you have a large outdoor space. Planting seeds generally involves getting on your hands and knees and repeatedly burying them along each row of your garden bed. That's a recipe for knee pain.

This longtime gardener found a way to work smarter, not harder. From a standing position, he drops seeds through a PVC pipe and directly into the garden soil to avoid having to crouch down during planting. Genius!

His daughter, Kayla, shared this brilliant idea with the world and says he's been using this gardening hack for years.


Sharing in case you've never seen this hack before 🥰 #gardenhacksontiktok #seedlinghack #gardeningtips #zone7b #budgetgardening


♬ Fast Car – Luke Combs

And a bonus tip: Keep your seeds in a handy tool belt for easy access during planting. That way, you won't have to leaf through all of your seed packets to find what you need.

