How to (Really) Clean Grease Stains From Your Stove Backsplash

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Squeaky is all about the borderline genius hacks and ideas that keep literally every inch of your space pristine.

Chances are that if you cook, you probably have grease stains on your stovetop backsplash. Even if you've cleaned it, sometimes the light will hit that space just right and you'll see stains and buildup everywhere. Hiding in plain sight! Here's how to clean your kitchen backsplash so that it's spotless and free of those stubborn grease splatters.


DIY Degreaser Cleaning Solution

Video of the Day

Things You'll Need

Add the water, Castile soap (one of our favorite cleaning agents), and orange essential oil to a clean spray bottle and shake well. You will have to shake well before each use to combine the ingredients. This amazing cleaner also works great to clean grime from microwaves, inside of your refrigerator, countertops, and other kitchen surfaces.


Video of the Day

How to Clean Grease from Your Backsplash and Stove

Step 1

Spray the grease cleaning spray directly onto the grease stains, including the grout.


Step 2

Dampen a microfiber soft cloth or a dishcloth with warm water.

Step 3

In circular motions, wipe the grease stains and cleaner with the damp cloth.

Step 4

Dry the area with a clean cloth.


Note: This method will not remove set-in grease stains from a backsplash that has been painted with matte, flat, or eggshell paint. In this case, you will most likely need to repaint the area to cover the stains since the grease has most likely absorbed into the paint and drywall.



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