How to Get a Color Transfer Stain out of Polyurethane

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Laundry detergent helps remove color transfer stains.

Polyurethane's soft texture absorbs color transfer easily. It's commonly used as imitation leather in watchbands, wallets, belts, faux suede and handbags -- in addition to covering furniture from sofas to bean bag chairs. Dye from clothing, leather or any item that isn't colorfast can transfer to the polyurethane, leaving a stain. The challenge of removing a stain from polyurethane lies in removing the color transfer without damaging the material. Prompt action and the right supplies increase your chances of completely removing a color transfer stain out of polyurethane.


Step 1

Apply liquid detergent on the color transfer stain. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rub the polyurethane gently with a rag or microfiber cloth to help remove the stain.

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Step 2

Reapply the soap or detergent if any of the stain remains. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes and then use warm water on a clean rag to clean the stained area.


Step 3

Make a paste of equal parts of baking soda and water, if the stain has penetrated the polyurethane and isn't coming out fully with the soap treatment. Test the baking soda on an unobtrusive area. The slight abrasive quality of baking soda can help remove the stain, but may leave the finish looking dull.

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