How To Convert A Portable Dishwasher To Built-In

Things Needed

  • Contact cement

  • Flexible piping

  • Pipe coupling

  • Saw

  • Drill

A portable dishwasher can save you a lot of money. However, it can become a hassle to attach and detach the water line and drain line every time you want to do a load of dishes. Fortunately, with a few simple modifications to your dishwasher and plumbing, you can convert your portable dishwasher into a built-in dishwasher.

Step 1

Find a permanent power source for your portable dishwasher. You really have two options: You can use an existing outlet that is positioned above your counter, or you can install an outlet below your counter. The first option is the easiest for people with little or no electrical expertise. Since you will be keeping your portable dishwasher under your counter, you will need to drill a hole in the counter that is big enough to thread your dishwasher's power cord through. The second option is to install a new power outlet under the counter. Have an electrician do this for you if you don't have electrical experience. Otherwise, you will need to run an independent power line from your breaker box to the new outlet location, secure an outlet box to a stud, thread your power line into the box and connect it to an outlet face.

Step 2

Connect the water line to a permanent water source. To do this, you will need to use a flexible water line, contact cement and a water line adapter to connect your dishwasher's water line to a permanent hot-water source. You have two options for a hot-water source: Your first is to run an independent hot-water line from your hot-water heater, and your second is to tap into your kitchen sink's hot-water line.

Step 3

Make a permanent drainage system. To do this, you will need to tap into the drain pipe for your kitchen sink. You will need to cut the PVC drain pipe, use a coupler and pipe adapter and contact cement to connect the dishwasher's drain line to the PVC drain pipe, then reconnect all the pieces to create a closed drain system. Allow the contact cement to dry before testing for leaks.

Step 4

Trim out your portable dishwasher to make it look like a built-in. You can use premanufactured trimmer pieces, which can be found at home-improvement centers in the cabinet department, or you can cut your own using plywood. Stain the trim or paint it to match the finish on your kitchen cabinets.
