Natural Sprays to Kill Centipedes

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Centipedes are insect pests that can be found in and outside of the home. Their long bodies are segmented with one pair of legs attached to each segment. Some centipede species can grow to be almost 6 inches long. However, many species will only grow to be slightly over 1 inch, and these are the more typical creatures found within North American residences.


Centipedes are actually very beneficial animals known for eating spiders and small insects. Although centipedes can be helpful in eliminating these pests, they can become a nuisance themselves should they become too plentiful for your taste. Creating natural insecticides to kill centipedes will not only get rid of the centipede problem, but also keep toxic chemicals away from food and family.

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Isopropyl Alcohol Spray

Isopropyl alcohol is toxic to bugs when digested. In a spray bottle, add 1 cup of the alcohol to 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 quart of water. Blend the ingredients well in a plastic spray bottle and shake the bottle often to keep the contents mixed. The spray will kill any centipedes that are invading flower beds and gardens; it is safe to use on infestations found around plants.


Diatomaceous Earth Spray

Diatomaceous earth is commonly used as an insecticide in both powder and liquid forms. The diatomaceous earth absorbs liquids that it comes in contact with. If a bug comes in contact with this material, its bodily liquids are drained, which kills the bug.


It's important to note that diatomaceous earth is an abrasive powder, which can be damaging to the lungs if inhaled. However, creating a diatomaceous spray instead of using the powder form can reduce the risk. To make the spray, mix 1 to 4 tablespoons of diatomaceous earth with a gallon of water. The spray can be applied to plants, around the home's foundation, and any other places where you have noted centipede activity.


Insecticidal Soap Spray

Like diatomaceous earth, soap dries bugs on contact. The spray is made using 2 tablespoon non-degreasing liquid dish soap and 1 gallon of warm water. Mix the ingredients in a plastic spray bottle, label and date the container, shake the spray bottle well, and spritz the mixture into dark crevices and corners that centipedes frequent. Once the soap comes into contact with the centipede, it will begin to dry the insect out. Store the spray in a cool, dark spot out of the reach of children and pets. Keep it accessible and spray it on centipedes as they appear.


Vegetable Oil Spray

If centipedes are attacking plants, a spray of vegetable oil and liquid dish soap will get rid of the pests without harming the plant. Combine 1 tablespoon of non-degreasing liquid dish soap with 1 cup of vegetable oil in a plastic container and cover. When ready to spray the plant, the mixture must be diluted with water. In a spray bottle, add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to 2 cups of water. Shake the mixture well before spraying. Spray on the plant and repeat every 10 days until no more visible signs of centipede infestation are present.

