How to Fix a Leaning Bush

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A leaning tree or bush can be straightened with physical labor.

Fixing a leaning bush is a relatively easy task, but it requires a certain amount of physical labor. In addition to straightening the bush, determine and rectify the reason it is leaning. Otherwise the bush is likely to lean again after you have set it upright. The bush may be leaning because of prevailing strong winds, soil loosened by a heavy rain, heavy foliage growth on one side of the plant or a combination of causes. If it is healthy and care is taken in straightening the bush, it will continue to grow and flourish.


Step 1

Dig a circle around the bush at least 10 inches across for each inch of plant base diameter, as reported in a column published July 27, 2007 in the "Akron Leader" by Master Gardener Dayle Davis. Dig the hole to a depth of at least two feet.

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Step 2

Pry the bush into an upright position with a crowbar or shovel. If the bush is small enough, you may be able to straighten it by pulling it upright with your hands.


Step 3

Backfill the hole with good soil and then water enough to saturate the ground around the plant.

Step 4

Drive two stakes into the ground on opposite sides of the bush. Tie strong smooth wire to one of the stakes and then thread the wire through a piece of discarded rubber hose. Loop the hose containing the wire around the trunk or main stem of the bush and tie the free end of the wire to the second stake. Equalize wire tension on each side of the bush to keep it in an upright position.

Step 5

Trim foliage until the bush is symmetrical shaped.

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