How to Fix a Leaning Plant

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Plants grow best when they grow upright without leaning.

Both indoor and outdoor plants can suffer from leaning caused by being top heavy or damage sustained from wind. Once a plant begins to lean, it can lead to more damage or prevent the plant from growing properly. Remedying the leaning is necessary to keep the plant growing properly and healthy.


Step 1

Measure the height of the plant from the ground surface to the top of the plant. Add 6 inches to this measurement.

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Step 2

Purchase or create a plant stake from a sturdy material in this length. When in doubt about the measurement, longer is typically preferable to shorter.


Step 3

Insert the plant stake into the soil next to the plant. Slide the stake in slowly, taking care not to cause damage to the plant or its root structure in the process. Insert the stake deep enough that it is sturdy and can bear the weight of the plant without leaning itself.

Step 4

Bind the plant and the stake together using plant tape, ribbon or another soft material. Do not force the plant completely upright, but rather just slightly more upright than it was. The plant must be trained to stand up straight rather than forced into an unnatural position.


Step 5

Revisit the plant every few days and test the tension of the plant tape or ribbon. As the plant begins to stand more upright, tighten the string until the plant and stake are bound together.

Step 6

Leave the plant stake in place until the plant has been growing upright for at least a month to ensure it will not return to its leaning position.

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