Homemade Air Freshener for Furnace Filter

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You can make a homemade air freshener for your furnace filter.
Image Credit: Marvin Samuel Tolentino Pineda/iStock/GettyImages

Is your home smelling not so fresh? You can use air fresheners throughout your home to keep your nose happy and greet your visitors with a pleasant scent. Making homemade air freshener for your furnace filter can help spread your favorite scents through all of your vents. You should change your furnace filters regularly to keep your system in optimal condition. Replenishing the DIY air freshener at the same time makes it easy.


Creating Your Own Air Freshener

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Creating your own air fresheners at home can be as simple as gathering ingredients that have fragrances you enjoy and placing them strategically around the house. These ingredients can include dried herbs and spices such as cinnamon sticks, flowers such as dried lavender, fruits such as dried orange peel, and even wood shavings such as cedar chips. Most ingredients for creating your own potpourri-style air freshener are available at craft stores.


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You can also purchase essential or fragrance oils that can be used for a variety of applications. These oils can be found online, in craft stores and generally in health food stores where alternative medicines are sold. They are available in an almost endless range of scents and can also be combined with one another and with other ingredients to create custom scents.

Scenting Your Furnace Filter

A popular way to spread fragrance throughout the home is to use air fresheners designed to attach to the filters of the furnace or central heating and air unit. These air fresheners can be purchased at home and garden stores and superstores, but they can also be easily made at home using the same fragrance ingredients that work for other applications.


Most furnace filter air fresheners are simply scented pads or bags of potpourri attached to the metal screen on the outside of the filter. When applying a filter air freshener, remember to only apply it to a fresh filter and to attach it to the outside of the outflow filter if your system uses two.

Adding Fragrance Oil

If your favorite fragrance is in an essential oil form, simply apply a few drops to a folded square of an absorbent fabric. Muslin works well, and even bandage gauze works. Use safety pins to attach the fabric to the screen of the furnace filter.


You can also apply 15 to 20 drops of fragrance oil directly to the filter itself. Space out the drops so the fragrance is all over the filter. If you want a subtle scent, start with just a few drops. If you like a stronger scent, use more. Experimenting with the number of drops and the scents you choose helps you find your ideal scent.

Adding Solid Potpourri

If the source of your scent is solid potpourri, you can use the same sort of fabric stapled or sewn together into a bag and then pinned to the filter as long as the potpourri is not too heavy for the furnace filter screen. If your solid ingredients are not too small for its holes, cheesecloth is also a good option for creating a bag, since it will allow the most fragrance to blow through. Cheesecloth can also be hung on the filter screen with either safety pins or strong paper clips through the holes in the fabric.

