Gen Z Would Put Their Pet's Needs Before Their Partner's When Buying A Home

When it comes to the home, whose needs come first: your partner's or your pet's? If you picked the latter, you're not alone.

According to a new Zillow survey, Gen Z is more likely to prioritize their pet's needs over their partner's in the home. More specifically, 22% of Gen Z pet owners said they would move if their home no longer worked for their pet, but only 12% said the same if their home no longer worked for their partner.

Overall, pets are a significant consideration for Gen Z homebuyers. In fact, 55% of survey participants think it's important to have a pet-friendly home. By comparison, only 45% think it's important to have a kid-friendly home.

"Young adults may be delaying parenthood, but they're not putting off pet parenthood," Zillow's home trends expert Amanda Pendleton said in a statement. "One recent study finds most Gen Z adults would rather have a pet than a child. As this younger generation ages into their home-buying years, it follows that their pets will have a greater influence on their moving decisions, perhaps more so than their significant other."

One more fun stat that's not limited to Gen Z: 13% of pet owners in America would rather share their bedroom with a pet than a partner. At least they won't hog the blankets!
