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Best Plant To Choose If You're An Aries

If your Zodiac sign is Aries (born between March 21 and April 19), we've found the perfect plant for you. Aries are the pioneers of the horoscope, fearlessly leading the way into unexplored territory, bravely going, you might say, where no plant has gone before. What plant can match your assertiveness and impulsivity? Check out the airplane plant (​Chlorophytum comosum​), also called the spider plant, a jubilantly rowdy, fast-growing plant who knows how to take over a room or a garden bed. Sound familiar, Aries?

About the Airplane Plant

Aries folks are always out there leading the charge, using their undeniable personal magnetism to initiate bold action. This is not just a fire sign, it is the fire sign signalling the entrance of spring, so energy and dynamism drive an Aries to action. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for domestic chores like plant care. That means that no better plant could come into an Aries orbit than the vibrant but low-care airplane plant.

The airplane plant doesn't look tough in the way a spiny cactus does. The long, slender leaves are a happy shade of green with a silver line down the very center. But don't let their graceful aspect fool you; an airplane plant is tough to the core. It will grow and expand almost anywhere with virtually no nurture, producing young plants on long, pale stems, little airplane plants that develop roots while still hanging in the air.

Planted in the garden, an airplane plant's babies will drop those roots into soil and colonize the entire bed. As a houseplant, the baby airplanes will just dangle there on all sides of the parent, helicopter parenting at its finest. If you can carve out five minutes from the bustle of your active life, Aries, just clip off the little plants and pop them in soil to create an entire army.

How to Care for Airplane Plants

Aries are great at taking the initiative, but once the exciting beginning is done, they may turn to another project. Some houseplants might self-destruct under this type of sporadic care, but it works well for the airplane plant. As long as you pot it in well-draining soil and position it in indirect sunlight, the airplane plant is ready to fly on autopilot.

What does that mean? It means that your plant will thrive and grow while you, Aries, are out conquering new worlds. The ribbony leaves will form a lively rosette that fills the pot and spills nonchalantly over the edges. As long as you find time to splash on some water every few weeks, the plant won't even notice your absence. One day you'll happen to look over and see the pot circled by tiny airplane plants growing from arching naked stems.

Shopping for Airplane Plants

Given how easy it is to turn one spider plant into a dozen, you may be able to snag a spider plant as a giveaway on a neighborhood website. But it's also quite easy to buy established plants. Start with a visit to your neighborhood garden store and remember that these plants pass under a variety of common names in addition to airplane plant. "Spider plant" is common, and they are also listed as ribbon plants and spider ivy.

But as a busy Aries, it may well be months before you have an hour of downtime for shopping plant stores. So yes, you can easily order them online and just wait for the plant to arrive on your doorstep. Cheapest and quickest? Go for a rooted baby spider and pop it in a hanging basket at home.

Etsy offers a wide selection of airplane plants. Look for sellers with good reviews. We like the selection and pricing at Plants and Promises, with sprouted babies going for under $8, shipping included, or three for under $20. They also offer potted plants. Or, check out Plants.com for the perfect pick. If you want the plant to appear on your doorstep complete with its own hanging basket, you'll do well to check out the offering of Hirts Gardens Store on Amazon, a 6-inch hanging basket for $19.99 plus free shipping.
