How to Remove Blu-Tack From the Soles of Shoes

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You can remove Blu-Tack from the soles of shoes.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

Blu-Tack is a great product for attaching papers to walls and other surfaces. A putty-like, pressure-sensitive product, it's often used in offices and schools because it's effective for hanging papers without having to put pin holes in walls. When Blu-Tack ends up on the floor, however, it can get stuck on the soles of shoes, and it's not easy to get off. With a few tricks, though, you can remove Blu-Tack from your shoes so that you don't track it around.


Step 1

Put the shoes in a plastic grocery bag and tie the bag up. Place the bag in the freezer, and leave it in the freezer for several hours.

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Step 2

Take the bag of shoes out of the freezer, open the bag and remove the shoes from the bag.

Step 3

Use a scraping tool such as a putty knife, butter knife or spatula to scrape off as much of the Blu-Tack as possible. To avoid having to clean up another mess, hold the shoes over a trash can while you scrape the Blu-Tack off. Allow the shoes to return to room temperature before proceeding to the next step.


Step 4

Apply mineral oil to a clean rag, and wipe the remaining Blu-Tack with the mineral oil. If your shoes have crevices or cracks that the Blu-Tack is wedged into, use a cleaning brush or an old tooth brush to reach the Blu-Tack. Carefully pour a few drops of mineral oil into the cracks before scrubbing the soles with the brush.

Step 5

Spray the soles of your shoes with a de-greasing cleanser once the Blu-Tack is gone. Wipe the de-greasing cleanser off with a paper towel. This step is important because the mineral oil you used in the last step will make the soles of your shoes slippery. The de-greasing cleanser removes all traces of the slippery oil so you don't fall down the next time you wear your shoes.

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