How to Clean Mold From a Framed Print

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Mold can appear anywhere there is moisture and darkness. While common in basements and attics because of high moisture buildup, mold can also grow on random items such as artwork. Framed prints are every bit as likely for mold growth as a basement wall if the print has been in a high-moisture atmosphere. Removing mold from a framed print should be done carefully to not damage the artwork while ensuring the mold is removed effectively.


Step 1

Wear a respirator/dust mask that has a NIOSH rating of at least N-9 along with latex gloves, goggles and overalls in case the mold on the framed print is harmful.

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Step 2

Use a vacuum with a HEPA filtration system on the artwork. The filtration system will prevent the mold from being blown back into the air and will trap it into the vacuum. Use an appropriately sized attachment to effectively remove the mold from smaller framed prints.


Step 3

Place the print under ultraviolet light for 24 hours to help kill off mold spores that are not big enough to be seen by the naked eye.

Step 4

Clean the frame itself with a mixture of three parts warm water to one part white vinegar. White vinegar is a natural cleaning agent and very effective against mold. It will also clean any glass that covers the artwork as a part of the frame. The water helps prevent the vinegar from damaging the frame itself. Apply the solution to a soft rag and rub it across the frame to remove mold and dirt.

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