How to Remove Aspergillus

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Aspergillus is one of the most pervasive, and allergenic, molds in North America. This mold is commonly found in homes and on decaying organic material such as dead leaves, shrub clippings, and other decomposing plant material. Aspergillus causes respiratory problems for people who are allergic to it. Mold spores tend to be released in the early hours of the morning, and if aspergillus is growing in your home, it can cause a host of physical problems even if you or your family members are not allergic. Learn how to remove aspergillus from your home and yard to reduce allergic reactions and health problems.


How to Remove Aspergillus

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Step 1

Rake around the perimeter of your home and remove as much decaying organic material as you can. Decaying leaves and cuttings are fertile ground for aspergillus to grow, and the mold spores can float in through open windows.

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Step 2

Mix a weak bleach solution and wipe down every single surface in your home with the weak bleach. Include baseboards, door edgings, windowsills, and every possible surface where dust or mold might settle.


Step 3

Remove all sources of water or dampness in your home, to remove possible breeding grounds for molds such as aspergillus. Fix leaky pipes or extreme condensation, and check your roof for any leaks.

Step 4

Clean mold-prone areas with miticide, a strong mold-killing chemical. Bathrooms and kitchens, especially under sinks, are fertile grounds for aspergillus and should be cleaned carefully with miticide at least once a month. Wear gloves and a face mask, and ventilate the area properly.


Step 5

Run air purifiers in your home. You need fresh air, of course, so once a day during daylight (peak sun is best), open your windows and air out the house for 15 minutes or so. Close the windows and resume running the air purifiers. An Air purifier in the bedroom while sleeping is particularly important for aspergillus control and removal.

