How to Remove Hair Spray Buildup From a Leather Chair

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Hair spray often transfers from a person to the back of a chair, leaving an unsightly blemish on the beautiful leather. If your chair becomes soiled with hair spray, don't treat the stain with steam as you would fabric chairs. Leather is porous and requires special care. If hair spray builds up on your chair, a leather jacket, purse or your leather car seats, remove the buildup using basic household supplies.


Step 1: Vacuum

Remove items such as pillows and throws from the chair. Use the upholstery nozzle on your vacuum cleaner to remove loose debris on the surface of the leather. This will prepare the chair for cleaning.

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Step 2: Mix

Mix 1 part olive oil to 2 parts white vinegar in your bowl. Add several drops of your favorite essential oil to mask the acidic smell of vinegar. A wide selection of scents, including almond, vanilla, citrus and cinnamon, are available that will leave your chair smelling fresh.


Step 3: Clean

Dip your cloth into the cleaning solution and dab it onto the leather. Gently rub the surface to remove hair spray. Your cloth will pick up the glossy residue with the help of the acidic vinegar. Repeat this process until all of the hair spray has been removed.

Step 4: Buff

Use a dry cloth and buff the cleaned area. The oil in the solution provides a soft luster as it conditions the leather.

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