How To Attach Mop Pads To The Swiffer

Mopping your floors with a Swiffer can make the difference between lugging around multiple cleaning products and using one lightweight sweeper. The Swiffer doubles as a cleaning tool used for sweeping and mopping, using unscented or scented static dry cloths for sweeping and wet cloths for mopping. The Swiffer is equipped with four rubber grippers that cinch the dry and wet cloths, holding them in place while you clean your floors. You can pull the cloths out of the grippers when finished.


Step 1

Place the mopping cloth on the floor so the folded flaps of the cloth are facing upward. Open the flaps.

Step 2

Hold the Swiffer above the mopping cloth, and center its rubber rectangular mopping surface over the rectangular shape on the mopping cloth. Place the Swiffer down on the cloth so that the green scrubbing strip is located at the top.


Step 3

Fold the flaps of the mopping cloth over onto the plastic top of the Swiffer (opposite the rubber side). Lock the cloth in place by pressing its corners into the four rubber cloth grippers at the corresponding spots.

