How To Remove Curry Stains From Leather

Things Needed

  • Vaseline

  • Baby powder

  • Clean cloths


If Vaseline-baby powder process does not fully remove the curry stain, use a leather polish to re-dye the leather.

The proteins found in curry powder bind to whatever they touch, and the spice can discolor fabrics in the same way that a dye will. Leather can be difficult to clean because it reacts temperamentally to different kinds of chemicals. You can remove a curry stain to a purse, car seats or leather jacket, but the cleaning process will take time.


Step 1

Apply a generous amount of Vaseline to the curry stain. The Vaseline will be absorbed into the leather and begin to force the stain out. Rub the area thoroughly with a cloth until the stain begins to disappear.


Step 2

Spray water lightly onto the stain to moisten the area. Do not use too much water or saturate the surface because water will leave its own stain on the leather.

Step 3

Cover the area with baby powder. The baby powder will absorb the remainder of the stain. Let the powder sit for 12 hours.

Step 4

Use a slightly damp cloth to clean the baby powder from the leather. If any of the stain remains, repeat the process.

