Tips On Cleaning A Juicer Screen

Using a juicer has many health benefits. Keeping a juicer clean is important to maintain those juicer health benefits. A juicer screen that is caked in dried or bacteria-laden bits of vegetables or fruit can create health issues.


Cleaning out the screens and thoroughly cleaning the parts of the machine on a regular basis can ensure that it runs at its full potential regularly. Even a self cleaning juicer needs a little TLC to keep it in top condition.

Why a Clean Juicer Is Important for Overall Health

There are many reasons that people use the juicer morning, noon and night. The vitamins and minerals that come from juicing fresh food increases vitality and can boost overall health.

Keeping the juicer clean ensures that you get the most health benefits from all the work that goes into juicing. The aided digestion from juicing can be compromised by dirty screens or parts of the juicer.


Although most types of vegetable or fruit can run through a well-made juicer, the juice pulp, rinds and vegetable skins tend to find ways to get to parts of the machine where they don't belong. The small bits of organic debris can cause serious problems if left to fester in the machine.

Stock Up on Cleaners for the Juicer

All of the intricate parts and small mesh screens that allow the juicer to run at its optimal speed require a good amount of cleaning with the right tools on a regular basis.

Before you dismantle the machine, gather juicer cleaning materials to make the whole project go well and seamlessly. These include a long handled dish scrubber, narrow long nylon brush for bottles, nail brush, toothbrush, baking soda, mild dish soap and distilled water.


Cleaning Before Dismantling

It's not a bad idea to give the juicer a cleaning a few times a week if you use it daily. Run a bit of dry rice, kosher salt and water through the machine to clean the screens out.

This natural abrasive is relatively gentle and keeps the blades sharp and pushes dried vegetable and fruit skins through the screen. This works well to clean a Champion juicer or Oster machine that require regular screen cleaning.


How to Thoroughly Clean a Juicer

Don't try to clean a juicer without unplugging it and dismantling the machine. Place each part on a dry towel and allow it to drain after giving the part a thorough wash with distilled water. If you have hard water, the distilled water will ensure that minerals and other deposits don't collect on the screens or small moving parts of the productive juicer.


Wash down each part and screen of the juicer individually. Use a toothbrush or small nylon brush to get into the nooks and crannies of the parts and screens. A can of air can blow moisture and any lingering bits of food that cling to the screen and speed up the drying process.

Juicer Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning a juicer shouldn't take a long time, but paying attention to the machine's details will ensure you don't waste time scrubbing all the parts and screens. Soak the screen in 1 part lemon juice to 9 parts of water for a minimum of 15 minutes before scrubbing with a toothbrush or narrow nylon scrubber for straws.


One of the best ways to get a pristine screen is to clean a juicer with baking soda. Sprinkle the screen with baking soda and spray it down with vinegar. The subsequent bubbles will eat up food particles that have clung to the screen. Brush the screen every day with lemon juice and a toothbrush.

