How to Edge Around an Above-Ground Swimming Pool

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Install stepping stones leading up to the pool's edge.

An above-ground swimming pool sometimes can be an eyesore. However, with attractive landscaping around your pool -- such as mulch and shrubs -- your above-ground pool can enhance your landscape, not hinder it. At the very least, carefully tended landscaping around your pool will divert attention from the pool to the edging.


Step 1

Cut grass and weeds directly around the edge of your pool, using hand shears; a weed trimmer can damage the sides of your pool. Point the blower of your lawn mower away from the pool when you mow near it -- rocks and sticks can damage the pool if the mower blows them toward the pool.

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Step 2

Pull grass and weeds, or use a grass and weed killer, to eliminate them within three feet of your pool's perimeter.


Step 3

Lay mulch, such as shredded bark, to prevent grass and weeds from growing in that 3-foot around around the pool. You also can use gravel or rocks, which will minimize the amount of dirt that gets into your pool.

Step 4

Edge your pool with shrubs and other plants that tolerate salt and chlorine. Examples include wax myrtle, beach morning glories and Japanese box. Avoid planting bushes or plants directly next to the ladder -- leave about a 3-foot space on either side.


Step 5

Install 12-by-12-inch or 18-by-18-inch stepping stones near the steps or ladder of your pool. Continue the stepping stones to the house or patio area. This helps keep feet clean before they enter the pool or the house.

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