How to Remove Excess Silicone Caulk

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It's not uncommon to see excess smears and splotches or overfilled edges of silicone caulk around a bathtub, shower or other area. Few people take the time to properly mask and clean an area when caulking. Unfortunately, this excess caulk can make a bathtub or shower look messy and shoddy. Cleaning up the excess silicone caulk will give the surface a clean, professional appearance. In fact, it is this type of attention to detail that adds resale value and can make even make a home on the market sell faster.


Step 1

Spray water onto the silicone caulk you want to remove to soften it.

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Step 2

Slice large cuts through overfilled caulk edges at each corner using a sharp knife or razor blade. Overfilled caulk edges must be completely removed and refilled.

Step 3

Pull the caulk away from the edge slowly and firmly, removing as much of the caulk as possible. Pry the caulk away using a screwdriver or awl if necessary.


Step 4

Scrape away any remaining caulk and other areas of excess caulk you want to remove using a knife or razor blade. Scrape in one direction only, using light strokes, to minimize damage to the surface and lubricate with water as necessary.

Step 5

Spread a silicone caulk removal agent, found at your local home improvement store, over any remaining areas of silicone caulk you want to remove. Follow the directions on the package and let the chemical dissolve and soften the remaining caulk.


Step 6

Scrape the remaining softened silicone away using the sharp blade or razor.

Step 7

Scrub all areas where caulk was removed, staying away from existing caulk, with an abrasive pad and mineral oil to remove any last pieces of silicone or silicone residue.

Step 8

Rinse the area where caulk was removed and let it dry completely by running a fan and letting the area sit overnight. New caulk will not adhere to surfaces that are not completely clean and dry.

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