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How To Get Rid Of A Camel Spider Infestation

Camel spiders dwell in deserts in the southwest United States. Generally, a noticeable increase in the number of spiders around your property indicates seasonal activity related to mating, so you'll see fewer spiders as the mating period subsides. If the spider count around your home is unbearable, you can take some measures to reduce their presence.

Liquid chemical pesticides purchased at the grocery or hardware store may not work on arachnids. Such pesticides might kill spiders if you pour the chemicals directly on the them, but other spiders will quickly move in and repopulate the area. Spider egg sacs can also survive pesticide applications. Camel spiders feed on insects and scorpions, so controlling a spider infestation will require reducing the presence of other pests in and around your home.

Finding the Spiders

1. Set Out Sticky Traps

Place sticky traps in corners and under furniture around your home to determine if camel spiders are living inside and if they're dwelling there in significant numbers.

2. Sweep and Vacuum

Sweep or vacuum seldom-used rooms and closets, paying particular attention to corners and creases where the wall meets the floor.

3. Check for Spider Activity

Reinspect the same spaces a few hours later for signs of fresh spider activity.

Controlling the Spiders

1. Kill Live Spiders

Kill any moving camel spiders you find on your reinspection.

2. Use Effective Pesticides

Apply pest-control dust in all cracks and crevices in your home, particularly in lightly used areas outside your typical traffic patterns.

3. Clear Out Hiding Spots

Remove vegetation and trash, where camel spiders can lurk, from around your house's foundation, doorways, and window wells.

4. Apply Outdoor Repellent

Apply insect and scorpion repellent around your house, particularly at windows, doors, and other areas that offer spiders an easy way into the house.

5. Seal Entry Spots

Use caulk to seal any cracks, gaps, or joints around window and door frames to keep camel spiders from entering your home.

6. Add Weather Stripping

Apply self-adhering weather stripping to doorjambs to seal gaps between the door and the door frame.

7. Use Draft Guards

Slip a draft guard onto the bottom of your doors to eliminate gaps between the floor and the door.

8. Get Rid of Clutter

Eliminate clutter, including boxes and clothes, in your basement and attic. Keep boxes and other items off the floor and away from walls to reduce hiding places for camel spiders.

9. Treat the Premises Again

A week or two later, treat your home once more with pest-control dust and insect repellent to limit or prevent new infestations.


If you have an insect or scorpion infestation that is out of control, you may need to call a professional pest exterminator to eliminate them before you can take control of your spider problem.


Be careful when picking up items off the floor, such as clothing, after you've launched your spider-control effort. Shake out your clothes, even if they were recently washed, in case a camel spider has taken refuge there. Carefully pick up your shoes and give them a good shake before putting them on too. Spiders may move around and hide in new places as they look to avoid pesticides and repellents.
