How to Stop an Itch From Fiberglass Insulation

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Fiberglass insulation can be tricky to work with. It is made up of tiny particles that can get into your skin pores and cause redness, irritation and itching. You also run the risk of inhaling these particles and causing damage to your respiratory system. If you must work with fiberglass, take some precautionary measures before you begin your work. After you're finished working, clean any fiberglass off yourself immediately to prevent further itching.


Step 1

Preventing fiberglass itch can be easier than coping with it. Before working with fiberglass insulation, coat your exposed skin with plenty of talcum powder or cornstarch. Some hardware stores may also carry a product that applies a thin layer of latex to your skin. This prevents fiberglass from getting into your skin.

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Step 2

Cover as much of your skin as you can with protective clothing while working with fiberglass. Wear thick gloves, long sleeves and pants. If possible, wear a hood on your head. Wearing a face mask is also important. This will prevent you from breathing in fiberglass fibers.


Step 3

Refrain from scratching your fiberglass itch. Scratching or rubbing will force the fiberglass deeper into your skin, rather than getting it out.

Step 4

Take a cold shower immediately after working with fiberglass. The cold water will help keep your pores closed so that the fibers don't get deeper into your skin. It will also wash off the larger pieces of fiberglass.


Step 5

Take a hot shower or bath following your cold shower. The warm water will open your pores, allowing any remaining fiberglass to work its way out.

Step 6

Apply body lotion or baby oil to your skin after your shower. This will soothe your irritated skin and help to stop the itching.

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