How to Convert Your Crawl Space Into a Basement

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Transitioning unused deadspace in your crawlspace may be easier than you imagine.

Crawl spaces are often only needed to replace leaky pipes or take up space; however, this often unwanted dead space can actually be transformed into something useful. A crawl space can be transformed into a basement with ultimate storage capacity, creating more space within a home than previously utilized. Making use of all the space in a home, and under it, enables organization and efficiency.


Step 1

Measure the area designated as the crawl space to determine how much of it you can use as a basement. Calculate carefully and mark off the area that you want to use.

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Step 2

Begin digging the area out using your shovel. Use the wheelbarrow to carry the dirt away from the area. Dig until you reach the right depth for your basement.


Step 3

Prepare the concrete footing, making it approximately four inches further down than what the floor will be. The final footing should be three feet by three feet.

Step 4

Place a long support post, equal to the height of your ceiling in the basement/crawl space area plus the additional four inches you calculated, to anchor the support system in the area.


Step 5

Center the floor and complete it by digging around and smoothing the entire space until it is even. Dig around the existing foundation if necessary, as you will be reinforcing it with a basement floor.

Step 6

Create a concrete wall that is built up even with the existing footer top, preventing the dirt from falling in under the existing foundation.


Step 7

Use a cap beam and a re-bar to bring the foundations together and strengthen the support. Fill in any open space with the cap beam and re-bar to ensure that everything is completely attached and held together when you are finished.

Step 8

Waterproof the basement by spraying a can of asphalt spray around the cemented area.

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