How To Fix And Quiet Mobile Home Floor Squeaks


If you have followed this step by step tutorial, you will have finally eliminated those annoying mobile home floor squeaks


You may want to have the underside of the home treated for insects a few days before procedure

Mobile Homes and Modular Homes are factory built, and are built on a steel chassis. After moving to a permanent site, and set up, they can sometimes develop annoying floor squeaks. I will tell you how to eliminate them.

Step 1

Go inside the home and walk the floor with helper, determine where all the floor squeaks are. Mark them with a piece of Masking tape.

Step 2

Then make an opening to go under home, put on your coveralls, grab your flashlight and ratchet, and go under home.


Step 3

Have your helper go to squeak closest to opening and begin to make the squeak happen. As you listen for it under the home. In a matter of minutes you should be able to locate the squeak by sound..

Step 4

Shine your light up to the origin of the squeak and you should see the metal frame with lag bolts going up through it every 12" or so. With your ratchet start to tighten the bolt that is closest to the squeak, as your helper makes it squeak..only tighten till the squeak stops, do not strip the bolt..

Step 5

When the squeak has been eliminated, continue on to the next squeak, and follow the same process.

