Indoor Plants That Reduce Dust

Plants have been found to reduce levels of dust through a means that is unknown to scientists. In fact, according to a NASA study, it has been proven that houseplants can decrease dust levels by up to 20 percent. When dust is inhaled, it can cause an array of health issues, including asthmatic attacks. Not only do houseplants reduce dust levels indoors, but they also help to purify the air and stabilize humidity. Many easily cared for houseplants help reduce dust.

Rubber Plant

The rubber plant is considered one of the most effective indoor air cleaning plants. While collecting granules of dust, the rubber plant also helps to eliminate pollution indoors by absorbing carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other pollutants. This plant is very easy to care for — but don't over water.


All forms of ivy are excellent at reducing dust. English ivy, for example, is very easy to manage and grows well indoors. In addition to removing indoor dust, ivy is also effective at removing formaldehyde and benzene.

Dripping Guanyin

Dripping guanyin, also known as dripping lotus, is a type of bonsai plant that works to reduce dust indoors. This plant thrives in a moist environment, so it is helpful to mist the leaves with water. The sap and water droplets that come from the plant can be toxic if consumed, so place this plant out of the reach of animals and children.

Date Palm Tree

The date palm tree is a stylish plant that is also highly effective in removing dust from the air. It is low maintenance and requires only weekly watering. The date palm tree also works even better at absorbing particles in combination with other purifying plants.
