How Much Should I Pay For 1,000 Square Feet Of Carpet?
Carpeting and Padding
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As of 2010, the least expensive carpet costs approximately $2 to $4 per square foot, advises Cost Helper. Buying 1,000 square feet of carpeting costs $2,000 to $4,000. Expect to pay an additional 27 to 66 cents per square foot for carpet padding. Buying 1,000 square feet of carpet padding costs $270 to $660.
Installation Costs
As of 2010, expect to pay 66 cents to $1.55 for moving furniture, carpet and padding removal, carpet and padding disposal, and installation, according to Cost Helper. The installation cost for 1,000 square feet is $660 to $1,550.
Bottom Line
In 2010, for the cost of materials and installation, expect to pay $930 to $2,210 for 1,000 square feet of carpeting, according to Cost Helper. Lower costs by moving furniture completely out of the area, removing old carpeting and padding, and disposing of waste materials.