How to Paint Outside Ceramic Tile

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Revamp worn outdoor tiles with exterior tile paint.

Painting outdoor ceramic tile can give the exterior of your home a whole new look. If you are the creative type, why not try decorating the tiles in different colors to create an overall color design effect, or stencil a pattern or simple design onto some of the tiles to give the new look some whimsy.


Step 1

Prepare your ceramic tile before applying primer. Clean your ceramic tile thoroughly using a mild abrasive such as a cream cleanser to remove any dirt, grease or mold. Rinse off the white soap residue with cold water.

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Step 2

Clean the grout around the tile by applying a solution of bleach with an old toothbrush. Leave for 30 minutes. Wipe off with a damp cloth.


Step 3

Sand your ceramic tile to remove the shiny surface using a sheet of sandpaper or an electric sander.

Step 4

Wash the ceramic tile a second time, but use the recommended dose of sugar soap in a bucket of hot water to remove any remaining dust, dirt or cleanser residue. The tile must be very clean before applying the primer.


Step 5

Apply a thin coat of good quality glass or tile primer over your tile using a brush or roller. Allow the primer to dry for at least six hours before applying a second coat. Sand the tile lightly after priming and wipe away the dust.

Step 6

Paint your tile with an exterior ceramic paint. A brick and tile paint is a good option as it is protects the tile from the elements and is shower-proof after 30 minutes. Add thinner to your paint, if the paint is difficult to apply. Allow to dry according to product specifications.

Step 7

Re-grout around your tile to make your painted tiles look fresh and new.

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