How To Remove Sealer From Stone

Things Needed

  • Plastic sheeting

  • Masking tape

  • Soy-based paint stripper

  • Pump sprayer

  • Rags

  • Garden hose


Test the paint stripper before using on the entire stone surface by using the material to remove about an inch of sealer on an edge of the stone surface.


Wear safety goggles, a respirator and work gloves when working with the paint stripper to avoid contact.

Stone sealer provides a thin protective layer of material that closes the stone's pores, creating a surface that resists the staining effects of water over time. A well-applied stone sealant can last years without the need for replacement, but during that time period no liquid can penetrate the stone easily. If for some reason you need to strip the sealer from the stone, there is a way to cut through the sealant and leave the natural stone surface once again exposed.

Step 1

Cover any adjacent surfaces with plastic sheeting to avoid spreading the paint stripper over unwanted areas. Tape the sheeting in place with masking tape.

Step 2

Fill a hand-held pump sprayer with a soy-based paint stripper. Although sealer is usually applied in two layers, it's thin enough that most soy-based strippers can penetrate through it into the stone's pores and dissolve the sealer enough for easy removal with a single application.


Step 3

Pump the sprayer handle two or three times to increase its pressure. Point the nozzle of the sprayer at the stone, holding it about 6 inches from the stone's surface. Spray the surface of the stone with the stripper, covering a 4-square-foot wide section of the stone. Wait three minutes for the stripper to penetrate the sealant.

Step 4

Wipe away the stripper and sealer from the sprayed area with a rag. Move on to the next section and repeat the process, doing so until you've cleared the entire stone surface of sealer.

Step 5

Rinse off the stone with clean water from a garden hose. Wait one hour's drying time then test the stone for sealer by dripping water onto the surface. If the water beads on the stone, there's sealer left; if it's absorbed into the stone, then you've removed the sealer present. Repeat the removal process if any sealer remains on the stone.


