The Best Paint For Outside Concrete Table
Masonry paint is the best paint to use on concrete, because it allows moisture to pass through its surface. Other paints, such as latex, are not suitable for use on concrete, especially if it is used outside. Latex creates a barrier to moisture, so when used on concrete, it tends to trap water underneath the surface, leading peeling. Using masonry paint reduces this risk. For an outside concrete table, choose high quality masonry paint for best results.
Remove Old Paint
For your new paint finish to look even and last years, you must remove the as much of the old paint as possible. Old paint can be stripped away with sanding, a wire brush, paint scraper or a power washer. Whichever method you choose, it is important to remove the old paint so that it does not affect your new paint finish causing it to peel or make it look uneven.
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Wash the Surface
If you are using the concrete table outside, there is a good chance that nature has left its impression on it in the form of dirt, vines or moss. The table must the cleared of all debris, so it does not affect the adhesion of the paint to the surface. Contaminants block paint from sticking to surfaces and create cracks and peeling. Once the surface is cleaned, make sure it is dry before you apply any paint coatings.
Primer is used to fill in pores and give the surface an even look. Just as your paint needs to be formulated for use on concrete, your primer must be made for it as well. Concrete, as with most masonry materials, absorb heavy amounts of moisture and must be primed for paint to adhere properly. Some paints are manufactured with the paint and primer mixed together, but if you are priming separately, make sure you wait for the primer to dry fully before you add any paint.
Masonry paint is best for durability and will last you for years, as long as you have properly prepared the surface first. For an easier application, use paint brushes for small corners and paint rollers to quickly paint over flat surfaces, such as a table top or seats. Purchase high-quality brushes for even finishes and to avoid brush strokes. Cheap paint rollers and brushes tend to fall apart easily and do not hold as much paint. Let the paint fully dry before adding additional coats.