How to Get Rid of Robins on the Front Porch and Top of the House

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Robins may make a nest on or near your front porch.

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, robins are one of many bird species protected by law. Killing robins if you consider them a nuisance is therefore illegal. Homeowners who find robins near their front porch or on top of their house will need to resort to more humane measures to get rid of these creatures, with their nests and early morning wake-up songs.


Step 1

Observe the spots on your porch and roof to see where the robins are perching. Apply a polybutene gel product to these spots. This sticky gel will annoy the robins and cause them to find a new place to land.

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Step 2

Mix 8 ounces of water with 1 ounce of crushed chili peppers to make a homemade robin repellent. Set the robin repellent outside in the sun for 48 hours. Transfer it to a bottle sprayer and spray the porch. Then spray around the top of the house. The robins will steer clear of the nasty smell and find another place to call home.


Step 3

Watch for the robins to come near your porch or housetop. As soon as the robins get close, begin making loud noises to scare them away. You can do this by playing bird distress calls from a tape player, setting off a few firecrackers or by banging pots and pans together. Vigilance over the course of three to four days will result in the robins finding a new permanent residence.

Step 4

Hang aluminum foil strips or old CDs from the porch railings and house eaves. Flashy objects that move in the wind scare birds, including robins. The robins won't land near any area that appears to be dangerous. After a few days, the robins will move on.

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