How to Get Rid of Gas Fumes After a Spill

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Open windows to disperse spilled gas fumes.

The fumes from a gasoline spill linger in the air, especially without proper cleaning. Gasoline can soak into porous surfaces, such as concrete or carpet fibers, and require an absorbent to lift the liquid and fumes from the affected area. Once thoroughly cleaned, circulating the air from the space should remove all traces of gasoline odor. Remove gasoline spills and stains quickly to avoid breathing in toxic fumes over a period of time.


Step 1

Open windows and screen doors in enclosed areas to allow the fumes to escape the space. Turn on ceiling fans and the stove exhaust fan for gas spills inside the home.

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Step 2

Cover spilled gas on concrete or carpet with an absorbent such as sweeping compound or powdered laundry detergent. Leave the absorbent on the area for 2 hours, then remove it from concrete with a broom and dustpan or vacuum it from carpet.


Step 3

Wet a concrete area with water from a garden hose. Spread 3 to 4 tablespoons of dish soap over the wet area. Scrub the floor with a shop broom and rinse the concrete with the garden hose.

Step 4

Pour 2 tablespoons of nonflammable dry-cleaning solvent onto a rag. Sponge any remaining gasoline on carpet with the solvent, removing as much as possible.


Step 5

Mix 1 tablespoon of dish soap with 1 cup of water in a bowl. Dip a sponge into the mixture and blot the affected area on the carpet. Work the sponge around the stain's perimeter toward the center. Wet the sponge continually with the soapy mixture as you blot the stain, removing it completely.

Step 6

Spread baking soda over the affected area of carpet after it has dried. Leave the baking soda overnight and vacuum it from the carpet the next morning.

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