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How Long Does It Take For Cucumber Seeds To Germinate?

Cucumbers (​Cucumis sativus​) are an annual garden staple for many people who choose to grow their own vegetables. They can be purchased as already-established sprouted plants or in seed form from most of your local nurseries at the beginning (or sometimes even throughout) the summer. It may be more cost efficient to purchase the cucumber seeds and germinate them at home, and there are many different methods available that will lead to germination success and a great cucumber harvest later in the season.


Cucumber seeds will germinate in as few as one to three days. Once they show signs of small sprouts after about seven days, they can be planted outdoors in your garden.

Cucumber Seed Germination Time

Most germination methods for cucumbers will show root growth and even sprouts in as little as one to three days. Once you have sown the seed in potting soil and notice the beginning of a cucumber sprout peeking through the soil, you can generally wait another seven to 10 days before planting outdoors in your home garden. Once they are transplanted outside, you can expect to pick your first ripe cucumber anywhere between 50 and 70 days after planting.

The germination process for cucumber seeds can be extremely quick if all the right temperature and soil conditions are met. Cucumber seeds sprout best in soil with a temperature that is consistently between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the soil temperature dips below 70 F, it will take the seeds longer to germinate, and it could take as long as three weeks to show any signs of growth.

Chitting Method to Germinate Seeds

There are many different ways to germinate your cucumber seeds. If you want quicker results, it is important to select a method where you soak the seeds before attempting the germination process. This method is called chitting. While chitting the cucumber seeds will produce quicker results, it does not mean the plant will be superior to one grown without this method.

One chitting method is to soak the seeds in water between five and 10 hours. Drain the seeds afterward, wrap them in a moist paper towel and then place them in a sealable plastic bag. Make sure the plastic bag stays in an area where the temperature is always above 70 F. The process can be extremely quick, so checking the seeds daily is necessary to remove any seeds that have germinated in order to plant them in potting soil.

Germinating Seeds in Soil

Germinating cucumber seeds may be quicker when soaking the seeds first, but it is not the only method that will provide results. You can use the age-old method of simply pressing the seeds into the soil. This will provide results at a slower pace, but if the temperature recommendations are met and the soil stays moist and well drained, you'll see results.

If you want to see the germination process but don't want to go through the hassle of soaking the seeds, you can use a similar moistening technique called water germination, where you germinate the seeds using only water. The seeds need to be wrapped in a paper towel and placed in a bowl. The bowl must be covered to trap the heat (causing a sort of greenhouse effect), so you can lay plastic wrap over the top of the bowl or place a plastic bag over the bowl to contain the heat. Place the bowl in a sunny area, and you should see results within three days.
