How to Fix a Chip in a Ceramic Plate

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Ceramic plates are popular kitchen utensils as well as décor pieces, such as a beautiful set of plates or a large decorative ceramic plate. If you get a chip in a favorite ceramic plate you have, there's hope for fixing it and getting your plate back to looking new. Using craft epoxy putty you can repair chips in ceramic plates with a little patience and some tools from your toolbox.

Step 1

Mix up epoxy putty up in a large bowl following the instructions that accompany the specific brand of epoxy putty that you purchased. Some hardware stores carry premixed epoxy putty to make it easier for the consumer.


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Step 2

Break off a piece of putty the size of a pea and roll it into a ball. Spread the putty over the chip so that it is evenly covered. Spread enough putty across the chip so there is a good thick layer of putty, but don't extend the putty beyond the edges of the chip. Add putty as needed depending on the chip size. Allow it to dry overnight.

Step 3

Cut a piece of light grade sandpaper small enough to rub over the putty, but not so large that it will rub the ceramic on either side of the putty. Slowly rub the putty down with sandpaper until it is level with the ceramic plate surface.


Step 4

Use a small artist's brush to paint over the putty area with acrylic latex paint that matches the rest of your ceramic plate. Allow the paint to dry for an hour and paint one more layer, allowing it to dry another hour.

Step 5

Paint a thin layer of clear liquid shellac acrylic sealant over the repaired area and allow the shellac to fully dry for two hours.



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