How to Use Air to Air Exchanger in Summer

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Air exchangers are used for filtering and bringing fresh air into an area. Many times, air exchangers are used during the winter because they are designed to not only maintain the room's temperature, but also bring in fresh air from outside. They can also be used to filter air during the summer, however there are some considerations to take into account that using it in the winter does not present.


Step 1

Decide on whether or not to open the air exchanger vent. During the summer months, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. Leaving the vent open allows more fresh air in, but also draws more heat and makes your air conditioner work harder. Leaving the vent closed won't bring as much heat in, but you would be relying more on filtered air.

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Step 2

Locate the speed settings dial, usually on the front of the unit. Depending on the type of air exchanger you have, it may also have a humidity dial.


Step 3

Set the speed setting dial to "low" for regular use, or "high" if the air is highly contaminated by pollutants such as smoke or odors.

Step 4

Set the humidity dial to the highest humidity setting. The humidity setting tells the air exchanger to automatically switch to high after the humidity level has reached the point you set it to.

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