How to Heat Inflatable Pools

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An inflatable pool is more fun when the water is warm

Inflatable pools come in many sizes and shapes. Some are small enough so that the sun's heat warms the pool water to a comfortable level. Larger inflatable pools may need more warming options than just the sun.


Step 1

Install the pool in a sunny area. The best and least expensive pool warmer is the sun. Installing in the sunniest, flat area will provide day-long warming.

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Step 2

Cover the pool every night and when not in use with a solar cover. This will not only help warm the water when the sun is out but will also help retain the water's heat at night.


Step 3

Install a solar heater. If the water in your inflatable pool does not warm up enough to make swimming enjoyable, consider purchasing and installing a solar heater. These are relatively inexpensive and can raise the pool water's temperature about 10 degrees.

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