How to Remove Dried Dye From Vinyl

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Whether you dye your own hair or use fabric dye in projects and crafts, you know that if any dye spills, it has to be cleaned up immediately: Dye of almost any kind can and will stain. Unfortunately, there are times when a little speck of dye will slip by, not to be found until months later. By then, it will have completely dried, running the risk of remaining forever. There is a way, however, to remove dye stains from vinyl, even if they've been there for months.


Step 1

Pour the dishwasher soap into a bucket.

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Step 2

Add the warm water and white vinegar to the bucket to make a soapy solution.

Step 3

Dip a soft, clean cloth into the mixture.


Step 4

Rub the stain with the mixture for one minute.

Step 5

Redip the cloth and apply the cloth and solution to the stain once again. Rub the stain until it's gone.

Step 6

Dry the vinyl with a dry towel.

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