How to Get Rid of Ants By Pool

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Ants will often migrate from a nearby plant over to the swimming pool area.

Insects are often a nuisance when they start accumulating around a home, but the issue is worsened once they start to appear in social areas such as swimming pools where entertaining often happens. Ants can bite depending on the specific type and it is a good idea to eliminate an ant population as soon as it is discovered. Getting rid of ants by a swimming pool will help make the pool area more attractive for family and guests.


Step 1

Remove any plants from the pool area for the time being. Ants can use plants for both sustenance and shelter and removing them will benefit you as you take action against the ants near the pool.

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Step 2

Crush any visible ants with a heavy flat object such as a fly swatter or a shoe to help reduce the ant population immediately. This will not get rid of the entire group but it can greatly reduce the ant numbers.


Step 3

Mix 40 percent water, 40 percent rubbing alcohol and 20 percent dish soap into a spray bottle to create an ant toxin. Spray any visible ant mounds with the solution to help kill them. The advantage of the solution is that pets are less likely to get into it and it won't negatively affect your pool water if a small amount drips into the pool.

Step 4

Place ant traps around your swimming pool to kill any stubborn ants that are not being affected by your other methods. Keep kids and pets out of the pool area while the traps are in place to prevent accidents. Once the ant population is gone, remove the traps.

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