Tips for Cleaning a Nylon Carpet

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Cleaning nylon carpeting in the home can help the entire room look cleaner.

Nylon carpet fibers are used in half of all manufactured carpets, according to the Healthier Cleaning Products website. Homeowners with nylon carpet must use care when determining which cleaning products to use as well as the methods to remove dirt from the rugs. Nylon carpeting can wear well and resist stains and spots as long as the proper cleaning solutions and methods are used.


Cleaning Agents

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Nylon carpets can be cleaned with most cleaning agents. Cleansers that have a high alkaline content may cause a nylon carpet to lose its ability to resist stains. Cleaning agents that work with steam cleaners should have a pH lower than 10 to avoid reducing the carpet's stain resistance.


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Cleaning Techniques

Nylon carpets can be cleaned with steam cleaners and detergents, foam cleaning products and dry foam products. Steam cleaning is the only method that removes dirt deep in the pile of the carpet. The method does not actually use steam to clean the carpet, but instead shoots hot jets of water into the carpet and immediately vacuums it up along with the dirt.


Stain Removal Techniques

Nylon is a stain-resistant material, but occasionally the carpet may become spotted or stained. Blot up the stain as soon as possible to keep it from setting. Home remedies such as dish detergent and water, white vinegar and water, lemon juice and club soda can help lift stains from nylon carpet fibers.



Regular vacuuming of nylon carpet removes dirt embedded in the fibers of the rug. Thorough vacuuming of the carpet requires moving the head of the vacuum in multiple directions to remove debris in all areas of the carpet. Nylon carpets are resistant to piling and shedding, which allows the use of a beater bar on the vacuum when cleaning the carpet.

