How To Determine The Model Year Of A Wheel Horse Lawn Tractor

Things Needed

  • Model number

  • Model name


Take photos of the Wheel Horse and post them online in one of the many Wheel Horse forums where Wheel Horse aficionados gather. You may gather valuable information regarding your model of lawn tractor.


Avoid relying on the opinion of an "expert" who may mislead you with regard to your model year and tractor value when trying to sell the Wheel Horse.

When you have an older model of lawn tractor like the renowned Wheel Horse, you have a machine that many collectors are itching to get their hands on, and you may be curious to know the model year of the machine. While the model number of the lawn tractor will point you in the right direction, unlike some makes and models of mowers, the Wheel Horse model number doesn't include the model year. Since the Wheel Horse was manufactured from 1946 to 2007, it will require some detective work on your part to track down your model's year.

Step 1

Locate the model number of the Wheel Horse and record it. The location of the model number and serial number will vary, depending on your model. Some places to check include the left or right side of the frame, the rear left-hand side near the battery, beneath the seat on the mower's frame near the springs, under the hood or near the engine. A thorough examination of the tractor should reveal the label that contains the model number.

Step 2

Determine what company manufactured the engine in your model of Wheel Horse by looking under the hood. Many brands of engines were used in Wheel Horse lawn tractors, some of which include those made by Briggs & Stratton, Kohler, Clinton, Tecumseh, Onan and Kawasaki.

Step 3

Look for additional information like a model name. Some of the specific model names include the Ride Away Jr., Suburban, Lawn Ranger, Raider, Charger, Electro, Commando, Bronco, Ranger and Twin.

Step 4

Contact Toro, the last manufacturer of Wheel Horse lawn tractors in 2007, at 888-384-9939 to speak to a customer service representative who can give you the model year of the Wheel Horse based on the information you've gathered.

Step 5

Look up the model number of your Wheel Horse in the Tractor Blue Book, also known as the Grounds Maintenance Tractor Blue Book, to determine the model year. This resource is available online.
