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How to Build an Argentinian Grill

Andrew Ford

Grilling outside is a great way to celebrate a holiday or get together with friends and family. Most grills only heat meat directly, either from a charcoal or propane flame. An Argentinean grill produces an ovenlike effect. Such a grill allows the user to experiment with slow-cooking and smoking techniques.

Grilling is a great way to have fun outside


An Argentinean grill is a large, heavy structure. Since it can't be easily moved, construct the grill in its final location. Pick a spot that far enough from the house to be fire safe, but close enough for ease when bringing food back and forth. Pick a spot that accommodates a large, brick structure without obstructing foot traffic.


The term “Argentinean grill” refers mostly to the brick structure around the grill that changes the way it is used. A regular grill can be converted to an Argentinean-style grill. Alternatively, it is easy to make a basic grill by mounting a metal rack over a metal tray stoked with hot coals.

Brick Oven

Measure and mark the grill area’s site. Build the grill on top of a concrete slab, so that the heavy structure won't sink into the ground. Lay bricks in a three-sided, rectangular shape, creating a space that large enough for housing a grill. Build a metal tray and rack into the brick structure, or build the structure around an existing grill. Make it a tight fit. The brick structure holds in the grill’s heat.

Ornamentation and Additions

Make an Argentinean grill out of any color brick. It can be painted, provided a heat-resistant paint is used. A chimney structure on the top regulates heat and smoke by opening or closing a flue. Plan and build a counter or bar structure as well.

The Drip Cap

  • Grilling outside is a great way to celebrate a holiday or get together with friends and family.
  • The term “Argentinean grill” refers mostly to the brick structure around the grill that changes the way it is used.
  • A regular grill can be converted to an Argentinean-style grill.
  • Build the grill on top of a concrete slab, so that the heavy structure won't sink into the ground.
  • Plan and build a counter or bar structure as well.