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How to Clean Stains Off Timberland Boots With a Home Remedy

Mary Ylisela

Timberland boots complement your casual wardrobe and help keep your feet warm and dry while working outdoors. The nubuck exteriors of Timberland boots give them a classic look, but nubuck is porous in nature and easily absorbs moist stains.

Keep your Timberland boots clean and stain-free for longer wear.

Taking proper care of your Timberland boots ensures they'll serve you much longer.

  1. Brush dried-stain material off the surface of your Timberland boots with a dry, natural-bristle scrub brush.

  2. Sprinkle talcum powder over grease stains until they are completely covered. Leave the powder on your boots for 20 minutes. Brush off the powder off using a dry scrub brush.

  3. Fill a bowl to the halfway point with full-strength white vinegar. Dip an old toothbrush in the vinegar to dampen it.

  4. Moisten the stain with the toothbrush. Scrub the stains gently with the toothbrush and white vinegar. Blot the stain with a clean cloth. Repeat this process until the entire stain is gone.

  5. Air-dry your Timberland boots. Blend the nubuck by brushing it with a brush designed for suede.

The Drip Cap

  • Timberland boots complement your casual wardrobe and help keep your feet warm and dry while working outdoors.
  • The nubuck exteriors of Timberland boots give them a classic look, but nubuck is porous in nature and easily absorbs moist stains.
  • Fill a bowl to the halfway point with full-strength white vinegar.
  • Moisten the stain with the toothbrush.