How to Remove Bic White Out From Fabric

Bottle of correction fluid

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Removing stains is one of the most difficult parts of laundry care. To successfully remove stains, you must take into account the type of stain and they content of the fabric in order to begin to treat the stain. By ensuring you properly treat all stains, your clothes will last much longer. One of the toughest stains to remove is Bic White Out. Also known as correction fluid, White Out is similar to a white paint and needs to be treated as such. To remove paint, it must be treated with a solvent and there are several household items that work as solvents and are generally safe to use on fabrics.


Using a dull knife, carefully scrape off as much of the dried Bic White Out as possible. Treat the stain with a commercially available stain remover, like Shout, and allow the stain treatment to completely penetrate the stain. Wash the garment in cold water using regular laundry detergent. If the stain was not removed, allow the garment to air dry and proceed to the next step.

The ammonia in Windex acts like a solvent and may do a better job at getting the stain out. Spray the stain with the Windex and allow the Windex to completely penetrate the stain. Wash the garment again in cold water using regular laundry detergent. If the stain was still not removed, allow the gament to air dry and proceed to the next step.

As a last resort, WD-40 can be used to treat the stain. Apply a small amount of WD-40 to the White Out stain and gently rub it into the fabric and stain. Once the WD-40 has penetrated the stain, wash the garment in cold water using regular laundry detergent.

You should only use WD-40 if the above treatements do not remove the stain. The lubricant in WD-40 can discolor or stain the fabric by itself.